Let’s Talk

Children’s Health

DateTopicFacebook Event Link
February 22, 2023*Hearthttps://fb.watch/jQ2pzEYQSZ/
March 22, 2023*Allergieshttps://fb.watch/jQ1hfjDXhF/
April 19, 2023Kidney Diseasehttps://fb.watch/k15jddATNV/?mibextid=l2pjGR
May 17, 2023Asthma Awarenesshttps://fb.watch/kC4ztZETOB/
June 21, 2023Scoliosis & Spine Disease https://fb.watch/lsd0yD3ha6/
July 19, 2023Sports Injuries https://fb.watch/lVmBV2zYUy/?mibextid=32yoWe
August 16, 2023Immunization Awareness https://fb.watch/muliWM2lE8/
September 20, 2023Behavioral Issues https://fb.watch/nXuZDPYYol/
October 18, 2023Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease https://fb.watch/nXveYJde_k/
November 15, 2023*Diabetes https://fb.watch/oFM3eyy7F4/
December 20, 2023Respiratory Disease https://fb.watch/p4nnTO_a-l/
January 17, 2024Obesity https://fb.watch/pEZfnGZfxT/
February 21, 2024Infant Care https://fb.watch/qoAry5kkKK/
March 20, 2024Poison Prevention https://fb.watch/r3XONdHuUI/
April 17, 2024Autism https://fb.watch/rURger-slh/
May 15, 2024Summer Safety https://fb.watch/t5a1Bi4K5p/
June 19, 2024Gastroenteritis https://fb.watch/t59RgkFouM/
July 17, 2024Back-to-School Readiness https://fb.watch/uOzuQsbW_N/
August 21, 2024Stress & Anxiety https://fb.watch/uOzM8wdOw2/
September 18, 2024Syncytial Virus https://fb.watch/uOzeoSB1Wp/
October 16, 2024Vaping Dangers https://fb.watch/wiSTIvOQEs/
November 20, 2024Car Seat Safety https://fb.watch/wiSCT5XKa1/
December 18, 2024Speech & HearingĀ  https://fb.watch/wTRA8y_X15/

*Date and subject scheduled to change.

Physicians are independent practitioners who, with limited exceptions, are not employees or agents of South Texas Health System. The System shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. For language assistance, disability accommodations and the nondiscrimination notice, visit our website. 22924213-926531 6/22